Longwood Gardens is located on US Route 1, about 3 miles northeast of Kennett Square, PA. Longwood is an easy drive and offers free parking!
Miles to Longwood:
Philadelphia, PA - 30
Wilmington, DE - 12
Valley Forge, PA - 28
Lancaster, PA - 43
Baltimore, MD - 72*
Washington, DC - 110*
New York, NY - 130
To find directions using an internet directions website, please use the following address for Longwood Gardens:
1001 Longwood Road,KennettSquare,PA19348
If your GPS does not recognize the 1001 Longwood Road address, we suggest trying "399 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348," or try the addresses of a couple of our neighbors:
Longwood Fire Company
1001 E. Baltimore Pike
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Chester County Visitor's Center
300 Greenwood Road
Kennett Square, PA 19348
You may also enter the coordinates for the Longwood Gardens Visitor Center:
39d52’10.25”N (latitude)
75d40’15.67”W (longitude)
To find driving directions via Google Maps, please click on map below:

View a map of the area - (provided by Google Maps)
*To save on time and tolls when driving in from Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and other areas south, take I-95 North, cross the Susquehanna River, go through one toll ($5 northbound only), and immediately take Exit 93 for Route 222 (in Maryland). After exiting, turn right onto Route 222 (Jacob Tome Rd.). Almost immediately the road becomes Route 275 (Don't continue on Route 222, which turns to the left). A few miles later when Route 275 ends at a "T" intersection, make a right turn onto Route 276. Take Route 276 to Route 1 North, which in approximately 4 miles crosses into Pennsylvania. Stay on Route 1 beyond Kennett Square until you reach Longwood's entrance ramp.