Longwood Gardens is located on US Route 1, about 3 miles northeast of Kennett Square, PA.
How Many Miles to Longwood?
Philadelphia, PA - 30
Wilmington, DE - 12
Valley Forge, PA - 28
Lancaster, PA - 43
Baltimore, MD - 72*
Washington, DC - 110*
New York, NY - 130
To find directions using an internet directions website, please use the following address for Longwood Gardens:
1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348
If your GPS does not recognize the 1001 Longwood Road address, we suggest trying the addresses of a couple of our neighbors:
Longwood Fire Company
1001 E. Baltimore Pike
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Chester County Visitor's Center
300 Greenwood Road
Kennett Square, PA 19348
You may also enter the coordinates for the Longwood Gardens Visitor Center:
39d52’10.25”N (latitude)
75d40’15.67”W (longitude)
To find driving directions via Google Maps, please click on map below:

*To save on time and tolls when driving in from Baltimore, MD, Washington, DC and other areas south, take I-95 North, cross the Susquehanna River, go through one toll, and immediately take Exit 93 for Route 222 (in Maryland). After exiting, turn right onto Route 222 (Jacob Tome Rd.). Almost immediately the road becomes Route 275 (Don't continue on Route 222, which turns to the left). A few miles later when Route 275 ends at a "T" intersection, make a right turn onto Route 276. Take Route 276 to Route 1 North, which in approximately 4 miles crosses into Pennsylvania. Stay on Route 1 beyond Kennett Square until you reach Longwood's entrance ramp.
Ride Share/Taxi Cab Pick Up Locations
You can instruct your driver to pick up directly out front of the Visitor Center, with the exception of the conclusion of our Fireworks events. On Fireworks evenings, please instruct your driver to pick you up after the show at our South Lot, 1010 East Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, PA 19348. Longwood will provide you with a complimentary shuttle ride to the South Lot at the end of the evening. Shuttles pick up along the sidewalk when you exit the Visitor Center. We use all lanes for exit traffic after a Fireworks show; therefore, vehicles cannot drive through the main gates to access the Visitor Center.
Ride Share (Uber/Lyft)
Ride Share services such as Uber and Lyft are available in our area; however, there are a very limited number of drivers in the area. We recommend you make arrangements with a service in advance to secure your departing trip.
Taxi Cab Service
Taxi services are available in our area; however, there are a very limited number of drivers in the area. We recommend you make arrangements with a service in advance to secure your departing trip.
WeVenture: Longwood Gardens Experience
Hop aboard WeVenture’s comfortable tour van from Philadelphia to the beautiful rolling hills of Brandywine Valley! Your driver will act as your guide, narrating the long history of the Valley, from life in indigenous settlements to landmark battles of the American Revolutionary War. Your ticket includes admission to Longwood Gardens, with its magical fountains dancing to music and dazzling floral displays that change with the seasons. Book now.
We offer free parking in all of our parking lots. During peak visitation times, we will utilize parking in our on-site grass overflow lot or off-site paved parking lot. Transportation is provided between the off-site parking and the Visitor Center entrance. Please follow the signage and note the Longwood staff members directing traffic on peak visitation days.
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking is available in the front parking rows of our main on-site parking lot, and when in use the front rows of our off-site parking lot. Guests may drop off passengers at the entrance using the double traffic lane in front of the Visitor Center.
Motor Coach, Bus and RV/Camper Parking
Significantly oversized vehicles such as Motor Coaches, Buses, RVs and Campers should use the separate Bus Parking Lot located at the front of the Visitor Center parking lot. For the safety of all, we request that you refrain from parking, standing or disembarking in front of the Visitor Center Main Entrance Patio. There are no overnight accommodations or hookups. All vehicles must exit the parking lot at Gardens closing.
Charging Stations for Electric Cars
Three charging stations for plug-in electric/hybrid cars are available on a first-come, first-served basis in our Visitor Center Parking Lot. We use Clipper Creek Model HCS-40 charging stations, which accommodate all electric vehicles that use a standard Level II J1772 plug. Tesla vehicles require the use of a Tesla SAE J1772 Charging Adapter, which is not provided by Longwood Gardens. The charging stations are available to guests free of charge.