Carillon music has been enjoyed at Longwood since 1929. Here are some fun facts about the carillon.
Longwood's carillon has 62 bells, weighing 38,148 pounds
The smallest bell (concert C) is only 6 inches in diameter and weighs 20 pounds
The largest bell (concert Bb) is almost 6 feet in diameter and weighs 6,908 pounds
There are more than 180 carillons in North America
The carillon is the heaviest instrument in the world
Our Carillon Bells

Smallest Bell, Highest Pitch-Concert C

Largest Bell, Lowest Pitch, First Note of the Bb Scale-Concert Bb

Second Note of the Bb Scale-Concert C

Third Note of the Bb Scale-Concert D

Fourth Note of the Bb Scale-Concert Eb

Fifth Note of the Bb Scale-Concert F

Sixth Note of the Bb Scale-Concert G

Seventh Note of the Bb Scale-Concert A

Second Octave Concert Bb

Third Octave Concert Bb

Fourth Octave Concert Bb

Fifth Octave Concert Bb

Middle C