Give to the Gardens

arches of pink roses in full bloom against a green, grassy hillside and a bright blue sky
Becca Mathias

Donations are fully tax-deductible and may be eligible for matching funds. No goods or services are provided in exchange for this donation. Longwood Gardens is a non-profit educational corporation, federally tax exempt under IRS Code 501(c)3. Longwood does not offer plaques or other named designations. 


Other Ways to Donate

Longwood Gardens’ Tax Identification Number: 51-0110625

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a type of giving mechanism that allows donors to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support their charities. If you benefit from a DAF, please make checks payable to Longwood Gardens.

Stock and Wire Transfers

Please contact:

Rebecca Ackerman, Director, Major and Planned Gifts
Phone: 610.388.5259

In-Kind Donations

Longwood Gardens receives items that complement our plant collections or augment our extensive archives. Such donations may be eligible for a tax deduction.

Matching Gifts

Many companies match contributions that their employees make to Longwood Gardens. Please check with your employer’s Human Resources Office for details and instructions.

For more information, please contact:

Phone: 610.388.5484

Explore More Ways to Give to Longwood Gardens