Planned Giving

a butterfly sits on tall thistle plants against a brilliant blue sky
Becca Mathias

With their exceptional foresight, Pierre S. and Alice du Pont made provisions for Longwood Gardens and other charities important to them in their estate plans. As patrons of the arts and education, they wanted to ensure that institutions that provided immense pleasure and benefit to the community would be carefully preserved for future enjoyment and societal impact. Through your own generosity and planning, you will be a part of this great legacy. 

The sample language below is intended as a guide that may be included in your new will, or in a codicil to an existing will. Please consult with your legal, financial, or tax advisor when preparing your planned gift. 

Bequest for General Purposes

“I give, devise, and bequeath [the sum of $______] or [all or a _____ percent of the residue, rest and remainder of my estate] or [other specified property] to Longwood Gardens Inc., a Delaware Non-Profit located in Kennett Square, PA, EIN#51-0110625, for its general purposes.”

Bequest for Specified Purpose

When making a restricted gift, please include the following language so that the gift will remain productive should circumstances change:

“I give, devise, and bequeath [the sum of $______] or [all or a _____ percent of the residue, rest and remainder of my estate] or [other specified property] to Longwood Gardens Inc., a Delaware Non-Profit located in Kennett Square, PA, EIN#51-0110625, to support [identify program or purpose].” In the event of changed circumstances that, in the discretion of Board of Trustees of Longwood Gardens, make it unlawful, impossible, or impractical to carry out the designated purpose of this bequest, then the Board of Trustees of Longwood Gardens may use the bequest for other purposes as nearly as possible to the designated purpose."

Other Types of Planned Gifts

The Pierre S. and Alice du Pont Circle also recognizes gifts of remainder interests in property, charitable remainder and lead trusts, and beneficiary designations such as life insurance, IRAs, and Donor Advised Funds.


For more information, or to share your intentions, please contact:

Rebecca Ackerman, Director of Major and Planned Gifts
Phone: 610.388.5259

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