Great gardens don’t spring up overnight. Rather, they are the result of ongoing planning and assessment.
Aptly titled “Creating a World Apart,” our Master Plan is an audacious plan for growth and transformation that outlines a framework for our vision so that future decisions can be made. This plan is a foundational step in a process that calls for the execution of short-term projects that generate excitement and long-term projects that solve substantial problems. It’s important to emphasize that our planning efforts strive to strike a balance between safeguarding Longwood’s historic legacy and addressing critical physical concerns including aging facilities, logistical challenges and overburdened infrastructure.
Areas of Opportunity
There are several areas of opportunity identified in the Master Plan that allow us to amplify our distinct strengths and help create a world apart from the everyday experience. These include:
- Amplifying horticultural displays
- Reclaiming the scale and spectacle of all fountains
- Diversifying performance venues
- Expanding facilities for educational programs
- Pursuing innovative new architecture, efficient building systems and infrastructures, sustainable practices, and clean-energy vehicles
- Investing in sustainability practices that preserve the open spaces, valleys, and woodlands surrounding the formal Gardens
Addressing Physical Challenges
Another key component of the Master Plan is the Framework Plan that outlines concepts that serve to organize the landscape, solve critical problems and improve the guest experience. These concepts will guide the execution of future expansion and construction projects.