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Now We Are Cooking… with Summer Vegetables!
close up of hands holding a bundle of green snap peas

Now We Are Cooking… with Summer Vegetables!

Summertime is full of sunshine, blue skies, and the EXTREME temperatures that veggies love!

By ksterner12, on July 28, 2011
How Did Our Garden Grow?

How Did Our Garden Grow?

If you haven't visited the Student Exhibition Garden, time is running out! The gardens will be dismantled in October to make way for the PG class of 2011's gardens next spring. To find out more about the Student Exhibition Gardens, visit Longwood's website at www.longwoodgardens.org.

By dawiles, on September 21, 2010
Have Vegetables, Will Travel
green beans in a basket

Have Vegetables, Will Travel

This year, the students came up with a new idea—sell fresh, locally grown produce to Longwood’s Terrace Restaurant. After meeting with the Terrace Restaurant Head Chef, the Restaurant Manager, and the Senior Gardener for the Idea Garden (Longwood’s Idea Garden has been providing produce to the Restaurant for several years), everyone decided that the goal was to produce high-quality and fresh, locally grown vegetables, using low-input/organic methods.

By Gavins Landscaping, on August 13, 2010
Coming Soon to Longwood - The Student Exhibition Garden

Coming Soon to Longwood - The Student Exhibition Garden

This year, Professional Gardener (PG) students broke new ground—literally and figuratively—as designers and creators of the newest garden display at Longwood: The Student Exhibition Garden.

By dawiles, on May 18, 2010