Three experts share three different approaches and considerations to make houseplants a bold statement in your home. Former engineer turned houseplant professional, Darryl Cheng will share how he cultivates houseplants using a clear and concise approach. Christopher Griffin, @theplantkween, will discuss plant style considerations that bring a feeling of inclusivity into your space with a personalized aesthetic. Rounding out the panel of presenters, Virginia Velez Thaxton of Smithsonian Gardens will share some of the plant families that make the most suitable houseplants and others that are unique and worth of attention.
Join us for a three-hour live webinar with three talks from top houseplant experts followed by a panel discussion to answer your most burning houseplant questions. Your registration includes three-months access to a recording of the live-streamed presentation.
Darryl Cheng, Christopher Griffin, Virginia Velez Thaxton
Register now to begin your journey in lifelong learning at Longwood Gardens.