Desktop Wallpapers & Backgrounds

Mac users, click on the size below that is the correct resolution for your computer monitor. The image will open in a browser window. Next, open your "Finder" window and navigate to your "Pictures" folder. Click the image in your browser and drag it into your "Pictures" folder. Then, navigate to "System Preferences" > "Desktop & Screensaver" and select the image from your "Pictures" folder.

April 2025

-800 x 600

A tall tree in early spring set in front of a stone tower.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

March 2025

-800 x 600

An indoor plant conservatory featuring tall skinny plants in the foreground with small orange blooms, next to dainty light purple flowers.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile


February 2025

-800 x 600

An indoor plant conservatory, featuring tall palms, and sunlight streaming in from the right side of the image.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile


January 2025

-800 X 600

The inside of the West Conservatory at Longwood Gardens featuring hanging  baskets of white flowers and lots of green foliage along a pathway.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

December 2024

-800 X 600

A glass conservatory with peaked roofs, seemingly floating on water, lit up in white.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile


November 2024

-800 X 600

A glass conservatory with peaked roofs, seemingly floating on water.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

October 2024

-800 X 600

An evening shot of a white stone wall with fountains in front.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

September 2024

-800 X 600

Yellow sunflower blooms set against a blue sky.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

August 2024

-800 X 600

Tall wildflowers set in front of tall evergreen trees.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

July 2024

-800 X 600

Red, white, and blue fireworks over a series of fountains.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

June 2024

-800 X 600

A rose arbor, featuring arches of bright pink roses blooming, set against a green hill and blue sky.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile


May 2024

-800 X 600

A brick staircase leading to a springtime garden with fountain.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile


April 2024

-800 X 600

Dozens of pink tulips in the foreground with a green lawn and old farnhouse in the background.

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

March 2024

A close up image of a blue poppy flower, with blue petals and yellow pollen.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

February 2024

Pink blooming cyclamen flowers.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

January 2024

An indoor plant conservatory with pink and purple plants in the beds and a stone path in the center.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

December 2023

Christmas ball ornaments in a variety of colors hanging in rows from the ceiling.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

November 2023

A fall scene with ivy along an arched wall, a stone tower in the background, and bare trees lined on the right.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

October 2023

Yellow chysanthemums planted in an indoor conservatory with greenery and plants all around them.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

September 2023

A fall meadow garden with blooming goldenrod and a farmhouse in the distance.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

August 2023

A lush garden in summer time with a tall stone tower in the background among large trees.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

July 2023

Illuminated fountains in shades of purple shooting up in the air in a variety of designs.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

June 2023

Arches of pink roses in bloom around a circular paved pathway.

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

May 2023

blooming wisteria along a wooden gazebo

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

April 2023

two blooming trees in spring among green grass

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

March 2023

a purple rhododendron flower in bloom on a brown stem

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

February 2023

a paved pathway through budding trees in the winter landscape

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile

January 2023

an image of purple and white orchids in a basket with a blurred background of acacia

-800 X 600

-1024 X 768

-1280 x 800

-1280 x 1024

-1440 x 900

-1920 x 1200

-Wallpaper for Tablet

-Wallpaper for Mobile