This professional development opportunity focuses on connections in nature and how to implement PA Science, Technology & Engineering, Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (STEELS) standards in your classroom, all while earning 25 Act 48 credits.
Delve into scientific phenomena observable in our Gardens and examine how living organisms—including humans—impact and are impacted by their environment. Tour behind the scenes, talk with our horticulture and ecology experts, and participate in hands-on, minds-on activities that can be taken back to your classroom to engage your students in three-dimensional learning with a focus on Environmental Literacy & Sustainability and Life Sciences standards. Recommended for educators in grades 3–5. All materials and daily lunch included.
STEELS Standards
3.4.3-5.A - analyze how living organisms, including humans, affect the environment in which they live, and how their environment affects them.
3.1.3.A - develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles, but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction, and death.
3.1.5.B - develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment.
Certificate Information
25 ACT 48 Credits
Certificate of Completion
Grove Studio 108
School and Youth Programs
Email: schoolandyouth@longwoodgardens.org
Phone: 610.388.5377