Our commitment to long-term sustainability of our natural areas includes the health of our wildlife. We support animal populations by conserving, restoring, and connecting habitats for wildlife.
Making Way for Wildlife
The long-term sustainability of our natural lands rests heavily on biodiversity. We strive to protect and restore wildlife populations by reinstating and connecting wildlife habitat corridors. These corridors provide wildlife with passage and access to varied habitat types. An example of this effort is the reforestation of woodlands through which amphibians can travel on their way to spring breeding grounds.
Sustaining Our Animal Populations
We tailor our wildlife management strategies to meet the needs and balance the health of specific animal populations. Major efforts include:
- Managing our aquatic resources to protect and enhance water quality and native species.
- Creating natural and man-made habitats to encourage butterflies, bees, and other pollinators.
- Managing habitats for mammals and birds to increase diversity and achieve a balance between both prey and predator species.