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The Idea Garden Spring Bulb Display
Recently Longwood staff has developed a new bulb display in the Idea Garden. This display plays two major roles; as a strong educational component both for our guests and staff, and is a strong display in itself. The display primarily features tulips and Narcissus (daffodils), displaying division types of each, grown in a trial garden setting where we can observe varieties new to Longwood.

Growing Clivia From Seed
In late winter and spring, your Clivia may be displaying some beautiful fruit. Clivia with yellow flowers will produce yellow fruit, while Clivia with orange flowers will produce red fruit. The fruit is actually a berry that contains seeds inside. If your Clivia did not produce fruit this year, it may not have been pollinated. Pollination is a simple act that is accomplished by taking ripe pollen that sheds easily from the anthers onto your finger or a Q-tip, and placing it on the stigma.

Waterlily Season Has Begun!
The start of another waterlily season brings with it great anticipation as we began this week to uncover the pools. But is this ritual of uncovering the pools really the start of another season? No! Several activities have already started to take place behind-the-scenes in preparation for the opening of the display.