Bloom to Bouquet: Roses

Bloom to Bouquet: Roses

Three peach colored roses blooming on a rose bush outdoors.
Candie Ward

Dates & Prices

Saturday, June 14, 2025
9:00 am–12:00 pm

Fee: $219

Fee for Innovators, Gardens Preferred, and Gardens Premium Members: $197

This class is intended as an adult learning experience. Find out more about our Family Learning experiences.

Registrations may be cancelled up to two weeks before the event, and your registration fee, less a $30 processing fee, will be refunded. Please note that refunds are not available for programs moved to scheduled inclement weather dates.

To notify us of your cancellation, email us or call 610-388-5454.

Register by June 1, 2025

Gardens Preferred, Gardens Premium Members and Innovators save on Continuing Education Courses

A 10% discount on classes will be applied automatically at the time of checkout. 

During this hands-on workshop, begin with a stroll through Longwood’s Rose Garden to observe and admire the beautiful blooms on display, then return to the classroom for instruction on how to create an opulent bouquet of roses. With guidance from floral design expert Jane Godshalk, learn the essentials of cultivating and creating with these beautiful blooms. 

Please wear comfortable shoes for a walk through the Gardens and bring a box to carry home your design.  


Grove Studio 104 & 105, The Rose Arbor, Rose Garden


Jane Godshalk AIFD

Jane Godshalk AIFD earned an MBA in organizational behavior before discovering her life's passion, working with flowers. Godshalk fully immersed herself into the study of floral design, earning certificates from Longwood Gardens, the Stoas University in The Netherlands, and a fourth level teaching certificate in Sogetsu Ikebana. She is an Artistic Judge for the Garden Club of America and a Certified Evaluator for the American Institute of Floral Design. Godshalk has represented the US at the Chelsea Flower Show in London and at the World Association of Flower Arrangers in Dublin. Both the American Horticultural Society and the Garden Club of America have recognized Godshalk with national medals.