Enjoy a special display of Longwood’s six clivia releases, each a beautiful representation of our esteemed clivia breeding program.
Get an up-close look at the buttery yellow Clivia miniata ‘Longwood Debutante’; ‘Longwood Fireworks’ with stamens that appear to shoot out of the flowers like fireworks; ‘Longwood Sunrise’ with its beautiful orange keeled petals; ‘Longwood Chimes’ and its complex blend of bronze, burnt orange, and dark red; ‘Longwood Sunset’, representing a color breakthrough in our clivia breeding program with its soft, salmon tones contrasting with a striking yellow and white throat; and ‘Longwood Winter Green’, our first green clivia released from our breeding program, representing a rarity in the plant world. The rare, yellow-flowered Clivia ‘Sir John Thouron’—which helped kick start our breeding program in 1976—will also be on display.
The Garden Shop will feature a variety of clivia available for purchase (while supplies last).