Join expert floral designer Nancy Gingrich Shenk on a fun exploration of color theory in floral design inspired by the 2025 Pantone Color of the Year, set to be announced in winter 2025, shortly before this trend-setting floral design experience.
Color is a central part of any floral design—and what can elevate any arrangement and make it “sing” is often the colors you pair TOGETHER! This workshop is designed for advanced floral designers ready to explore color, challenge themselves, and create a stunning arrangement to take home. Discuss the properties of color, the effect it can have on mood, and the color harmonies you can find while creating beautiful designs inspired by the 2025 Pantone Color of the Year.
Certificate Information
This class serves as an elective component of our Floral Design Certificate.
Grove Studio 108
Nancy Gingrich Shenk
Nancy Gingrich Shenk is a graduate of the Rittner's Floral School in Boston, MA, the Dutch Masters' Design School in Lisse, Holland, and she has a Praktijkdiploma from Stoas College in Holland. She has owned her own custom design studio for over 25 years. Shenk was a member of the floral design teams for two former presidents' inaugurations, and her work has been featured in several magazines. She was named Teacher of the Year in 2008 by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.
Recommended Equipment
Please come prepared with a pair of sturdy gloves and your favorite pair of floral scissors or snips, if you have them. Additional floral scissors will be provided.