Looking to transform your lawn into a flourishing meadow, but not sure how to start?
Join Longwood Gardens Research Specialist Kristie Lane Anderson online and in Longwood’s Meadow Garden as she discusses the unique ecology of a meadow and how you can become a steward of your own native ecosystems. Learn management techniques we use here in our Meadow Garden, determine how to apply these techniques to your own landscape, and get plant recommendations for establishing a meadow. You’ll leave with the knowledge you’ll need to transform your lawn into a beautiful—and beneficial—meadow.
Course Schedule
Online Class
Wednesday, September 18, 6:30–8:00 pm
Onsite Class
Saturday, September 21, 9:30 am–12:00 pm
Inclement Weather Date: Sunday, September 22, 9:30 am–12:00 pm
Full course content includes both the online and the onsite components.
Onsite at Longwood Gardens and an additional online session.
This program will take place partially or entirely outdoors. Please dress for the weather and wear footwear suited for walking on uneven paths and through wet areas.
Kristie Lane Anderson
Kristie Lane Anderson is a Research Specialist with the Land Stewardship and Ecology team at Longwood Gardens. Anderson engages in stewardship science, restoration planning and implementation, and development of GIS systems for data collection and land analysis. Anderson has a Master of Landscape Architecture and brings a focus on both the ecological and the aesthetic to her work.