Want more confidence in using fertilizers in your garden? This class is perfect for you!
With guidance from educator and horticulturist Nancy Agnew, explore the fertility needs of indoor and outdoor potted plants; annual, perennial, and vegetable garden spaces; a few special needs plants (including ericaceous species and iron deficiencies); and basic turf fertility issues. Learn the differences between organic and inorganic sources of the essential elements.
There will also be an opportunity for more interactive practice, as the class will include examining/interpreting products and labels, working out simple calculations, and finding solutions for any gardening questions.
The Grove Studios 104 & 105
Nancy Agnew
Nancy Agnew holds a Ph.D. in Horticulture from Kansas State University. She is a lifelong educator and has taught courses in herbaceous ornamentals, floriculture crop production, greenhouse management, tropical plants and interior landscaping, home horticulture, and horticultural mathematics. She is an instructor in Longwood's Professional Horticulture Program. Prior to her work at Longwood Gardens, Agnew served on the horticulture faculty at Iowa State University and managed the campus garden. Along with her co-authors, Agnew has written a book titled Mathematics for the Green Industry. In 2013, Agnew was presented the Teaching Award of Merit by Longwood Gardens and the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.