What’s in Bloom

Tall, green stems with medium sized yellow flowers.

Featured Bloom


Silphium perfoliatum

The Meadow Garden is filled with plants that benefit wildlife.  Cup-plant is a native perennial that grows to 8 feet tall.  Its perfoliate leaves, which clasp around the stem forming a cup, collect water for birds and insects.  Cup-plant provides nectar and pollen for a variety of bees, while birds, especially goldfinches, eat its seeds. 

See what’s in bloom … and enjoy the beauty of our Gardens.

  • Two bees sitting on long white flowers.


    Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination'

    Native to eastern and central North America, Veronicastrum virginicum is a tall perennial which grows in low meadows, prairies, moist open forests, thickets and along roadsides. Its small white flowers are arranged in a spike up to 8 inches long and will bloom from June through to September. Bees and butterflies are attracted to the plant's pollen and nectar.

  • Cone shaped spear of white flower clusters.

    Panicle Hydrangea

    Hydrangea paniculata ′DVP Pinky′ Pinky Winky™

    Blooming from mid summer to early fall, panicle hydrangea gets its name from its large, showy panicles of flowers.  Leaving the dried flowerheads on the plant can add interesting forms and textures to the garden in winter.  Combined with its long bloom time, panicle hydrangea offers nearly year-round interest. 

  • Flower with orange petals and red dots.


    Iris domestica

    Blackberry-lily, is not a lily but an iris that is native to large parts of eastern and southern Asia. It can grow to four feet tall with iris-like fanned foliage, topped by orange flowers with red spots in summer. In the fall, the seed pods open to reveal shiny black seeds, giving the plant its common name.

  • Large, white, 5-petaled hibiscus flower.

    Rose Mallow

    Hibiscus ′Blue River II′

    ‘Blue River II’ is a hardy, rose mallow hybrid with large flowers to 10 inches across that blooms from July to September.  These flowers, which attract hummingbirds, are pure white, where as many rose mallow flowers have a deep red center.  'Blue River II' can grow to 5 feet tall and wide and performs best in moist soils and full sun. You may associate hibiscus with tropical plants, but within the parentage of this hybrid rose mallow are species of hibiscus native to the eastern United States.

  • Pink petaled flower with orange center.

    Chinese Anemone

    Anemone tomentosa 'Robustissima'
  • Long purple flowers with a butterfly.


    Liatris spicata
  • Spiky, brown and purple flower with spikes jutting out.


    Cynara cardunculus
  • Tall, stems with purple, layered flowers along the top.

    Lemon Bee-balm

    Monarda citriodora
  • Lavender blue and white flower with green leaves.


    Angelonia 'Anwedg' Angelface Wedgewood Blue (Angelface Group)
  • Tall spiky pink flowers.


    Agastache 'Rosie Posie'
  • Small purple flower with small green leaves.


    Cleome houttenana 'Violet Queen'
  • Magenta-colored flower.

    Semi-Cactus Dahlia

    Dahlia 'Mollinator'
  • Ping-pong shaped bright purple flowers.


    Gomphrena globosa 'Ping Pong Purple'
  • Light pink flower grouping.

    Coastal Plain Joe-Pye-weed

    Eutrochium dubium 'Little Joe'
  • Bright pink fluffy looking flowers with green leaves.

    Bolivian Sage

    Salvia oxyphora
  • Bright magenta-petaled flower.

    Hybrid Impatiens

    Impatiens 'PAS1437686' Solarscape Magenta Bliss (Solarscape Group)
  • Long, string-like purple flowers and green leaves.


    Persicaria orientalis
  • Light pink, tall flowers.

    Sweet Pepperbush

    Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'
  • Coral-colored flowers.


    Canna 'Toucan Coral'
  • Field of yellow flowers.


    Rudbeckia laciniata ′Herbstsonne′
  • Light yellow rose.

    Grandiflora Rose

    Rosa 'Meikanaro' Sunshine Daydream
  • Field of lots of yellow and green meadow grass.

    Early Goldenrod

    Solidago juncea
  • Long dangling yellow flowers.


    Dendrochilum filiforme ′Mt. Cuba′
  • White, spider-like flowers on yellow and green plant with long. Strap-like leaves.

    Golden-leaf Crinum

    Crinum asiaticum xanthophyllum form
  • Tall, green stems with medium sized yellow flowers.


    Silphium perfoliatum

    The Meadow Garden is filled with plants that benefit wildlife.  Cup-plant is a native perennial that grows to 8 feet tall.  Its perfoliate leaves, which clasp around the stem forming a cup, collect water for birds and insects.  Cup-plant provides nectar and pollen for a variety of bees, while birds, especially goldfinches, eat its seeds.