Community Read 2017

close up of the water jet from the Main Fountain Garden

How Things Work

We were very excited in 2017 for the grand reopening of our revitalized Main Fountain Garden, which had been under renovation for almost two years.

Our founder Pierre S. du Pont’s love for fountains started at the age of six when he was mesmerized by the huge display of water pumps at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. He first turned on the Main Fountain Garden fountains in 1931, after spending 20 years designing and building them. Mr. du Pont’s passion for his fountains and the engineering behind them inspired our choices for the 2017 Community Read.


The Way Things Work Now 

As our Community Read book for the entire family, we chose The Way Things Work Now by award-winning author, illustrator, and “Master Explainer” David Macaulay. The Way Things Work Now is a sweeping update to the worldwide bestseller, The New Way Things Work, and includes sections on the technology in our daily lives. The Way Things Work Now explains complex mechanical processes in a humorous and accessible style, accompanied by engaging illustrations.

Rosie Revere, Engineer

We also chose Rosie Revere, Engineer as the Community Read book for our youngest readers. Written by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts, this is the story of Rosie, a little girl with dreams of becoming a great engineer. “Where some people see rubbish, Rosie Revere sees inspiration. Alone in her room at night, shy Rosie constructs great inventions from odds and ends.”


The Way Things Work Now

The Way Things Work Now Discussion Topic Questions

Rosie Revere, Engineer

Members, sign in and access this title as an ebook from our library

Rosie Revere Copter
Rosie Revere Airplane
Rosie Revere Event Kit
Rosie Revere Teacher Guide