Longwood Fellows Program Components

Central to the mission of the Fellows Program is leader education. Fellows have ample opportunity to refine their leadership skills throughout the yearlong program and are exposed to thought leaders and content—spanning topics from organizational behavior and nonprofit management to strategic planning and volunteer management.

The Program is segmented into three phases; the general focus of each is outlined below.

Phase 1


Phase 2

Course Work

Phase 3

Practical Application

June July-January February-June

• Self awareness

• Group norming

• Cultural immersion

• Core, supporting, and flexible content

• Salon discussions

• Mentoring

• Project and field placement research

• Field placement

• Project completion and presentation

• Graduation

Interested in learning more about the Fellows Program? 

Join us for an informational webinar on April 9, 2025 at 12:00 pm EST. Hear from the director of the program and Fellows alum about the program and their experiences. 


Fellows begin their experience by participating in an introspective onboarding process that affords them the opportunity to become more fully aware of their own strengths and development areas. This initial phase allows Fellows to get acquainted with one another and establish cohort norms and expectations. Fellows will also be immersed in the culture of Longwood Gardens and other regional public horticulture organizations.

During the second phase, Fellows complete the majority of their coursework, participate in a mentoring program, and attend formal salon-style discussions hosted by regional public horticulture organizations. Phase 3 sees the Fellows off on their two-month field placement assignment, presenting their project, and being inducted into the alumni group, the Society of Fellows. 

There are four primary Program components that span the three phases: