Schools with 30% or more of the student population qualifying for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program may apply to receive transportation reimbursement and student return coupons for admission.
What does the Longwood Grant for Title I Schools include?
Reimbursement for transportation costs of up to $500 per bus and return coupons for the students. Please note, funds are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Register early to secure your grant funding.
Who can apply for the Grant?
Schools with 30% or more of the student population qualifying for the Free or Reduced Lunch Program. School groups must be visiting the Gardens as an educator or self-guided field trip between March 10 and June 13, 2025.
How To Apply
Please note: transportation reimbursement funds for the 2024-2025 school year are no longer available. Applications may still be completed to receive return coupons for visiting students.
Request an educator or self-guided field trip. To receive a link to the online application, check "Yes" for "Send me information about how to apply for the Longwood Grant for Title I Schools” when completing the request form.
Information required to complete the application:
- Field Trip Reservation Number
- Field Trip Date
- School Name
- Teacher Name
- Teacher Email Address
- A documentation letter that confirms the school’s Title I status.
Documentation letter must include the following:
Dated within 90 days of the application.
Appear on school’s letterhead.
State the current percentage of students in the school that qualify for free or reduced lunch - must be 30% or more to qualify.
Signed by the principal or head administrator.
Other forms of Title I documentation may not be substituted. Incomplete applications will be declined.